Finally finished editing the character concept art so I figured make a blog post for these because everyone's going to want to talk about them! So here, have fun with them all! My favorite has to be Aya's wedding dress, I wish it looked like that with gold detailing in-game, would've been amazing to see!
I decided to remove the names because of all the translation errors and changes, credit goes to Caligos_eve for scanning them, I just cleaned them.

Concept art of Aya's White Eider costume.

Concept art of Aya's wedding dress.

Concept art of Aya's apron dress.

Concept art of Aya's business suit.

Concept art of Aya's two unused costumes, the kimono and pirate.

Concept art for Eve's regular look.

Concept art of Eve's wedding look.

Concept art of Kyle's regular clothes.

Concept art of Kyle's wedding look.

Concept art of Emily.

Concept art of Gabrielle.

Concept art of Dr. Blank.

Concept art of Cray.

Concept art of Bohr.

Concept art of Hunter.

Concept art of Maeda.

Concept art of Ginger and her band.

Concept art of general survivors and military.