Well I gotta say something, all those reviewers are wrong about this game (except IGN for once). The graphics are amazing and beautiful in FMV and in game, the storyline is pretty good and the gameplay system is fairly easy and not that complicated as people whined about.
I'm now on Episode 2 and on the non smoking sign (the one near Gabrielle before you enter the mens locker room) Aya says "Why do I smell smoke in a non-smoking facuilty? wait a minute...Gabrielle?!" so I'm guessing this means that Gabrielle is a smoker, even though she leads the physical exams :/
I even watched a clip from episode 4 and I gotta say...what have they done to Maeda?! I'm sure he didn't act this perverted and wierd in Parasite Eve, but then again Toriyama (the director) never played the Parasite Eve games so he wouldn't exactly know about Maeda, but him constantly going on at Aya about "analysing" and "experimenting" on her just gives me Hojo vibes.
The voice cast is pretty decent, Yvonne is an amazing Aya, Hyde has been well cast along with Gabrielle. I've gotten used to Hunter's voice as it sounds pretty decent apart from that one cutscene and Blank's sounded off at first but it got better later. Altogether its a decent game and I've only died once (the Reaper chase) and Emily was quite easy in my opinion, just threw a lot of grenades at her and used linkage a lot.